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Top Real estate activities companies in UK by revenue

The UK's real estate industry was comprised of more than 93,000 companies and organisations in 2016, employing almost 540,000 people at a total cost of £13 billion. Total turnover for the year 2016 was £62.8 billion, with approximate gross value added sitting at  £42.2 billion.
The combined value of all UK residential properties is now over £6 trillion, according to research by Halifax. Somewhat predictably, the biggest growth in value has been in London; homes in the capital have risen from a total value of £718 billion back in 2007 to £1,338 billion currently. This is more than all of the residential properties in Scotland, Wales and the north of England combined.

While the majority of the country's properties are residential, the commercial real estate market is still an important contributor the UK economy. It has a market value of over £1.662 billion, and provides around 5.4% of the total UK economy. The sector directly employs over a million people and adds 50 million square feet of new space annually, with a value of about £12 million.


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There are currently good opportunities for investment potential in the country. The fallout from Brexit is not predicted to have too much of a negative impact on the country's real estate sector.

The Global Database real estate B2B directory holds in-depth data for thousands of companies working in the UK property industry. We've used our database to put together a list of the current big hitters in the industry, based on revenue. Check out the rundown below.

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