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Top Swansea companies by revenue

Swansea offers great potential for companies interested in investing in the city. It has particular strengths in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, financial and professional services, tourism, energy and environment, ICT, life sciences and creative and digital. The city has a population of 245,000, which is expected to grow to 270,000 by 2036. A further 600,000 people live within a half an hour drive, and two million within one hour.

Swansea offers a strong and comparatively low cost workforce, with 155,300 working age residents. Wages are 13% below the national average, yet residents are skilled and educated; 56% hold A levels and 36% have a degree. The main sector for employment in the city is the service sector, accounting for over 87% of the workforce.

To learn more about the types of companies that are thriving in Swansea, take a look at this list. We've used our Swansea company data to order the top performers depending on figures for revenue, giving an interesting overview of the market as a whole.


Nothing here yet

Swansea is set for further growth thanks to the number of projects currently planned and underway across the city. These include the developments at the Meridian Quay and Princess Way corridor, as well as improvements to the city's train and bus stations and the regeneration of the city centre.

Swansea is home to leading research and innovation centres. Swansea University is one example, with plans for a new science hub which will work alongside the city's businesses. The city also has two Technium centres, giving science and tech start ups the chance to access commercial space and take advantage of networking opportunities with leaders in the sector.

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